Our Story

Penny & Moo was founded by Megan, a wife and mother of three from Missouri, who, over the years, has found such joy and fulfillment hosting family and friends. From birthday parties and showers, to holiday parties and simple casual gatherings, planning and hosting these events is something she is passionate about. Inspiration for Penny & Moo came from this enjoyment and a hope that she can share this love with others, helping them to make hosting fun, easy, and a little extra special. Megan's only daughter, Penelope, is also a huge inspiration. With family business in the construction, farming and ranching world, Penny & Moo ventures into new territory for the girls. The hope is that these traditions and a love for hosting can be passed on!

At Penny & Moo, our mission is to be your one stop shop for all of your hosting (and eventually gifting) needs! From creating the perfect tablescape, to serveware and accessories fit for all occasions, we want to have you covered! Countless hours have been spent hand picking and curating a collection that we hope you will love!

We've decided to launch Penny & Moo with our Christmas "Tablescapes in a Box". These hand curated boxes are meant to make having a beautifully decorated holiday table easy for everyone - less time, less stress, less fuss! We've designed 6 specially named tablescapes that will arrive to you with everything you need, right down to the candle sticks, for a beautiful tablescape all season long! We hope you love what we've put together as much as we do, and that it will bring you joy at your holiday table for years to come!

A moment for thanks...

There are several people out there that I have been so thankful to have in my corner as I dove into this little passion venture. First, my husband, who has pushed me along in finding the courage to actually do this. His everyday strength and positivity is my foundation. My three children who have been huge cheerleaders and encouragers for this mama to take a leap of faith! Thank you to my friends and family, who have been excited for me and this venture, offering encouragement along the way.

One special gal who has truly helped make this a reality for me - I wouldn't have been able to get here without her - her positivity, organization, go getter attitude and spunk have been nothing short of a light - she has truly been a blessing these last few months - you know who you are! Thank you!

Thank you to the wonderful and talented people I've met on this journey who have welcomed me with open arms, happily and eagerly offering advice, expertise, and their talents. I will make sure to pass this kindness on!

I thank God for the life he has blessed me with, for the opportunities I've been given and for the strength to make the most of them.

From the bottom of our hearts, we hope you enjoy!

Make Hosting Fun Again.

XOXO - Penny & Moo